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Foundational knots for tree work (Level 1)

Basket and Girth hitch
Slip knot, Marlin spike, Sheet bend
 Chainsaw tie off (Failsafe)
Timber hitch and Setting up a portawrap

Level 2 knots (More range of applications)

Bowline (In depth tutorial)
Bowline via Slip knot method (And Yosemite finish)
Figure 8 and Double Loop Figure 8 on Bights
Double Loop Figure 8 on a Bight. Another demo.
Slip figure 8 on a throw weight
Pile hitch (tie on a rope with throwline)
Quick hitch (tie a rope on for the climber)
Clove hitch
Ratchet straps (the correct way)

Level 3 knots (Advanced knowledge and range of applications)

The trucker's hitch and 3:1 MA
Alpine Buterfly
The water and beer knots (bends for tubular webbing)
Running slip fig. 8 with a daisychain finish
Slip figure 8 on a throw weight

Climber knots

Slipt figure 8 on a throw weight
Anchor hitch on a throw weight
Pile hitch (tie on a rope)
Valdotain Tresse (VT)
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